Bencis portfolio company Höfer acquires Pool-Chlor-Shop, a leading German e-retailer for high-quality water treatment chemicals.

Pool-Chlor-Shop GmbH

Bencis Capital Partners

Höfer Chemie GmbH

Parties involved

Consumer Products


Buy-side Advisory

Type of transaction

Pool-Chlor-Shop (PCS) is an established German e-commerce player specialized in the distribution of swimming pool products. The portfolio includes water care products and equipment. PCS supplies more than 300,000 customers in Germany and adjacent countries.

Höfer Chemie (Höfer) manufactures and distributes a comprehensive household chemicals portfolio including pool chemicals, combustibles, technical chemicals, and cleaning chemicals. These products are marketed directly to private customers via the company's own webshop.

Bencis is an investment company which invests in successful growth companies in the German, Dutch, and Belgian SME sector. Dr. Heiko Kersebohm, Managing Director at Bencis, stated PCS is "a perfect fit for Höfer through its e-commerce and pool expertise. We are very much looking forward to continuing the collaboration with Robert Dicke, who will further develop the company as CEO. Further, we would like to thank the IOM Advisory deal team. In particular, I would like to thank Philipp Elsen, who initiated the transaction as M&A advisor and also supported us with the acquisition financing."

IOM Advisory exclusively advised Höfer on the acquisition and financing of PCS. The transaction demonstrates Global M&A Partners' extensive sector expertise in consumer products / e-commerce. Philipp Elsen, Partner at IOM Advisory, thanked "all parties involved in the process for the professional and trustful cooperation that led to this excellent result for both sides".

Philipp Elsen


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The IOM advisory team did an excellent job and always went the extra mile beyond the agreed scope. In addition to the deal focus, it is worth noting how IOM, as the buy-side advisor, built the relationship with the seller. As always, it was a pleasure working with them.

Dr. Heiko Kersebohm

Managing Director, Bencis

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